What cOULD net zero waste in construction look like?

Project timeline: 3 months

What are the implications in architecture when we hybridize an age-old building material with current day technology? The additive manufacturing process, also known as 3-Dimensional printing, has become an increasingly popular conversation for its implications at the architectural scale. The technology per se is essentially scaleless, but when confronted with reality, the limitations of scale forces innovative results.

The following project is an exploration on the implications of the additive manufacturing process as an integral design an construction process for implementing a high performance facade. The MIT Media Lab was chosen as a case study to its high variation and demand for different lighting conditions along one face of the building, designed by Fumihiko Maki. 

Arduino / Ceramic Material Systems / Brown University Science Center


Clay iterations.jpg

Iteration models, failures, and successes. 


1:1 Prototype front

1:1 Prototype back


MIT Media Lab
Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"